Statements From Student & Parents
“I enrolled at Ubuntu in 2016. I’m attending caregiver’s classes and my eldest daughter is attending Early Childhood Development classes. I am being taught about how to take better care of my child and myself. I am very grateful that there is a place called Ubuntu. Thank you to Project People Foundation for the support of children and the Ubuntu’s ECD program.”
~ Yandiswa Ngcangca, Mother from the Ubuntu Pathways Program
"We have light in the evening. I can study at night. We use it to prepare our beds as we go to sleep at night. My granny does her beed work in the evening. My granny fix things at home in the evening. We can now take a bath outside in the evening. We can go to the outside toilet at night. We can get up early in the morning without fearing darkness. We can do our home work and study in the evening. I now look like other children and all children look neat in uniform. We now wear uniform not worried about old and dirty clothes. No children tease other nor others bragging to those who do not have uniform."
- Tshifanyi, Student from the Bundles of Brightness Program
"My granny can now see the way when she comes home at night. I didn't have a complete set of uniform, now I have a beautiful set of uniform. I can now read and write at night doing my homework. All children and parents are thankful. I am happy to have a jersey, like all other children who did not have jerseys. As for the shoes, they are beautiful and strong. They will last long, a whole year we will be wearing shoes. We are happy that all homes do not need electricity to charge the cell phones. Some children used to go to school bare foot, now with the shoes you provided, we are all very grateful.”
- Mudau Phutheutshedzo, Student from the Bundles of Brightness Program
Statements from the Bundles of Brightness Program Parents
- "Thank you very much that we always have lights on at home and not rely on electricity."
- "I use the solar lamp for my bead work, sewing and drying spinach to preserve it."
- "I use the lamp runnng my chicken project, caring for the chicken at night for their safety."
- "I use the lamp to charge my cell phone to be always in touch with my far away loved ones. I can safely count money I make for the family at night."
- "My children can go to the outside toilet without fear. The other day one of my children had a stomach bug and could go to the outside toilet as often as she could with no fear of darkness."